Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Advice on Writing

I guess the greatest feat about blogging is that you can get word out to people without having to pay heaps of cash to an agent or a publishing house. Like everyone else who wants to go into creative writing, I do hope to see my name on the spine of a book one day. But what matters most is that people read your work and hopefully relate to whatever you are talking about.

I know blogging has been around for many years already, but it is still an excellent art form that will aid in the evolution of creative writing and news reporting. Even if you never get to publish something in physical form, you are still a writer if you just update your blog constantly. That is the glory of getting your scribbles out to the people of the internet.

Think the ramblings of just another young blogger aren’t inspiring enough, check out this very wise piece of advice from the great Alan Moore, author of V For Vendetta, The Watchmen, From Hell and The League of ExtraordinaryGentlemen:

If you think you’ve got it in you to write about anything at all and use any means necessary like blogs or self publishing, all I can say, is: Go For It.

Dimmu Wulfenhume

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